Being comfortable is not exciting, it’s certainly not interesting and it often leads to complacency.

If you feel it’s time to get re-energised, time to get some fire in your belly, here’s a short exercise for you.

Grab pen and paper and take 15 mins to answer the following 3 questions:

1) If you couldn’t fail, what would your business look like in 5 years’ time?

2) Where are you now compared to your goal. What’s working & not working?

3) What needs to change in the next 12 months to make meaningful progress towards your 5 year goal?

Give the above exercise the time it deserves and it could change your business and maybe even your life. Get clear and excited about what you are building, and then get started! (or restarted!) If you would like to share your answers I’d love to see them. Email them over to

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